祖母、母から娘へ受け継がれる手仕事の粋 個人コレクションから
OPEN:12:00〜18:00 *会期中無休
Studio 2525でのこの展覧会では、二つの個人コレクションから選んだ刺繍作品をご覧いただきます。 一つは駐日ギリシャ大使夫人のイオアンナ・ハリクリア・ヤナカル氏の所蔵する母上から受け継いだ作品で、もう一つはギリシャ文化をこよなく愛する美術史家の木戸雅子・共立女子大学名誉教授が長い年月をかけて収集した作品です。
The Greek Traditional Embroidery
From Private Collections:
Embroidery skills and handicrafts passed down by generations of Greek women
Saturday, 23 October ー Sunday, 31 October, 2021
Open: 12:00 to 18:00 *Open every day during exhibition period
The art of embroidery has a long tradition among women in Greece.
Different kinds of embroideries from various regions have been made mostly by women to be used at their homes and then later on to pass them to the next generation. In this exhibition at Studio 2525, you will have the chance to see two private embroidery collections from Mrs. Masako Kido, Professor Emeritus from Kyoritsu Women’s University assembled the last decades through her love for the Greek culture and her expertise in art and from Mrs. Ioanna Charikleia Giannakarou , Spouse of the Ambassador of Greece to Japan, from the handicrafts handed over to her by her mother.
Organized by Embassy of Greece in Japan
Co-organized by Japan-Greece Society
Supported by Greek Chamber of Commerce in Japan
Curated by Ryusuke Kido and Studio 2525
Contact about exhibition: kido.msk@nifty.com